And what's the problem? Diabetes is the more known issue but really sugar just robs the body of nutrition.
- It can rot your teeth
- Cause fatty deposits to build up in your liver
- Lower your overall immunity
- Raise your triglycerides and cholesterol levels
- It’s the main cause of cellulite, body fat, and metabolic issues.
- Finally... creates an acidic environment in the body, which leads to disease.
So you can see why it would be important to kick sugar to the curb and swap it out for healthier alternatives.
Now, I’m not about deprivation. Not in the least. I like a sweet treat as much as the next person. The occasional special cookie, ice cream treat, or dessert at a restaurant is perfectly fine. Its really about what you do daily. What do you use at home? What do you add to your coffee in the mornings? what do you bake with?
First...The Bad Guys
Keep in mind that "not all sugars are created equal". Processed cane sugar, those deemed "healthy" like brown sugar, turbinado sugar, "sugar in the raw", etc... or those sugars found in processed foods like: tapioca syrup, brown rice syrup, corn syrup, concentrated juices, high fructose corn syrup, beet sugar, all those ending in "ose" like dextrose, sucrose, fructose, etc.. are NOT good choices. These are extremely processed, raise your blood sugar quickly, and have very little, if any, nutrients.
I've also talked before about artificial sweeteners and their harmful effects, so that's not a good option! Then, what is, you may be wondering?
Swap to healthier alternatives!
There are great healthy alternatives, which in MODERATION, can actually be GOOD for your health! Healthy sweeteners, like RAW HONEY or pure maple syrup contain antioxidants, enzymes and minerals. Natural sugar substitutes, like pure stevia or xylitol, are also good options.
The Sugar Addiction and It's Roller coaster effect
Sugar is a stimulant and recent research has also been proving that sugar can be as addictive as cocaine and other drugs. Once you start lowering your sugar intake and switching to healthy sweeteners in moderation, you’ll notice that you have fewer and fewer cravings for sugar. You’ll also find that you’re tasting the natural sweetness of fruits and vegetables without needing to put anything on top of them.
Getting off of sugar will help you...
- ditch the afternoon energy crash
- stabilize your blood sugar
- lose weight
- look younger
- help control hunger
- create a more alkaline environment that your body will thrive in!
So, what will you swap out this week for a healthier, (naturally) low-sugar or (naturally) sugar-free alternative?