I suffer from seasonal allergies. Yes, I'm allergic to pollen. {And yes, we have a farm...}
So, the past few years I've really studied and researched (and tried, and tried again) different natural methods to #1- PREVENT, and #2 TREAT MY SEASONAL ALLERGIES, naturally. It has gotten SO much better, or even non-existent!
But, first of all...
What causes seasonal allergies?
When an allergen trigger like pollen lands on top of receptors in our nasal passage it alerts the body to release histamine. Histamines are naturally occurring. They initiate a series of reactions that are designed to help the body get rid of unwanted visitors. The problem is when the body overreacts to non-harmful substances. That’s when we end up with the constant itchy eyes and runny nose. For some people these reactions can become increasingly bothersome and in some instances can make it difficult to breathe.
Preventing & Treating Seasonal Allergies:
Some of these are best if you start a month or so before allergy season. I explain each as follows:
#1- Quercetin- A natural plant-derived compound called a bioflavonoid, quercetin helps stabilize mast cells and prevents them from releasing histamine. Citrus fruits, onions, apples, parsley, tea, tomatoes, broccoli, lettuce and wine are naturally high in quercetin, but allergy sufferers will most likely need to use supplement to build up enough of this compound to prevent attacks. The recommended dosage is about 1,000 milligrams a day, taken between meals. It’s best to start treatment six weeks before allergy season.
*Note: Those with liver disease shouldn’t use quercetin, so please consult your doctor before using this or any other supplement — especially if you are pregnant or nursing.
#2- Stinging Nettle- If you decide you need an antihistamine but want a natural option, stinging nettle behaves in much the same way as many of the drugs sold to treat allergies, but without the unwanted side effects of dry mouth and drowsiness. Nettle actually inhibits the body’s ability to produce histamine. It’s a common weed in many parts of the United States (we have them at the farm!), but the most practical medicinal form is a freeze-dried extract of the leaves sold in capsules. Studies have shown that taking about 300 milligrams daily will offer relief for most people, although the effects may last only a few hours.
#3- Nasal Rinse/Neti Pot- This is my favorite! what could be simpler than rinsing away allergens with saltwater? Neti pots, small vessels shaped like Aladdin’s lamp, have been used in India for thousands of years to flush the sinuses and keep them clear. It’s an idea that takes some getting used to for most Westerners, but it’s a bit like using nasal spray. A little douse of saltwater can rinse away those prickly pollen grains and help treat allergies and other forms of sinus congestion.
#4- Lemon/ACV/LOCAL Honey Elixir (on steroids!)- You’ve heard me talk about the morning lemon elixir, and for allergy season I put it "on steroids”! Organic raw apple cider vinegar promotes alkalinity and PH balance of the body, which is one reason why it works great as a natural remedy to ward off all types of allergies.
The best way this will help is to be consistent. Mix 1 tablespoon ACV with 1 tablespoon freshly squeezed lemon juice and 1/2 tablespoon raw bees (LOCAL) honey and drink twice a day. Start a few weeks before allergy season for best results. Be patient as this mixture begins to balance out your GI tract and build up your natural immune defenses to fight off all types of allergies.
#5- Bee pollen- High in protein, as well as other antioxidants and vitamins, it is one of nature’s perfect superfoods. Bees go from flower to flower collecting pollen to bring back to the hive where they create these granules. Bee pollen actually reduces histamine, which is the same target over -the-counter medications act upon. It can be effective for a wide range of respiratory diseases, ranging from asthma to chronic sinus infections.
Always buy LOCAL bee pollen to ensure you're building up an immunity to the plants in your area. While it does come in pill, powder, or liquid form, it's best to consume the actual granules that the bees make. The granules have a sweet taste and powdery texture that can be used in smoothies, sprinkled on oatmeal or yogurt, or combined with granola.
Start gradually (½ tsp.) a day and work your way up to 1-3 tablespoons by the end of four weeks. I usually take a spoonful with my breakfast or add it to my morning smoothie or oatmeal. It's best to take with food, especially fruit. The fruit fibers will activate the pollen faster and cleanse your colon simultaneously. Again, gut and immune health are closely linked in regards to severity of allergies!
Note: Some people may be very sensitive to bee pollen, especially us allergic to pollen, of course! Place a few granules in your mouth and wait 2 minutes. If you experience no symptoms (watery eyes, runny nose, sneezing), chew slowly and swallow. Wait another 24 hours and monitor your body for any symptoms. If you don't experience any, gradually increase as stated above.
#6- Eliminate food triggers- There are foods you may be sensitive to that will cause inflammation for you as well as lower your immune system response. Its important to find out if you are and which foods these are. Through an elimination diet (followed by reintroduction of foods) you can identify which foods you are sensitive to, and learn alternatives to these.
Also, and most importantly, by cleaning up the body of toxins and eating nutrient-rich food you will boost and strengthen your immune system for a smoother allergy season!
Contact me if you need help or have further inquiries on how to do an elimination diet.
Have a happy and healthy spring!