We've gotten a few emails this past week of illness going around my daughter's school. At least 10 people we know around us are sick or have been sick in the last couple of weeks. My husband have been complaining about not feeling "great" and being tired, but luckily have been fighting "whatever-is-that-wants-to-hit-him" off. Yesterday my daughter was a bit whiny and seemed tired and given that Christmas is a week away- we are in IMMUNE BOOSTING MODE! It is like WAR ZONE at my house! (Ok, I'm exaggerating a bit ; )
Here's the DRILL:
This is KEY because you can fight off disease at the BEGINNING of it much easier than when you're already in it. Home remedies are also MUCH more effective at the first signs of symptoms. For yourself, symptoms can be: achy body, feeling colder than normal, slight sore throat, sleeplessness. You know your body, so recognize them and ATTACK!
For children is tougher because they don't communicate well. BUT... I do see my daughter sometimes get unusually whiny, crying and getting upset easily, restless and interrupted sleep, lack of appetite, tired...etc Again, you know your children better but, these can be common.
This is the FIRST THING we do and one that my daughter knows and is very clear about. I simply talk to her and tell her very gently that "there is a lot of illness going around school and sugar is bad for the warrior cells that want to fight disease and thus we must not have ANY for a few days, we don't want to be sick for Christmas right?"... Works like a charm! and she totally understands.
Viruses, bacteria and yeast LOVE sugar and they THRIVE on it. So DON'T feed those nasties!
I know you've heard me talk about this one but... I can't help it! It is SOOO powerful!
Simply drink, first thing in the morning upon waking, a cup of warm or hot water with juice of 1 lemon, 1 tablespoon raw apple cider vinegar, a dash of cinnamon and a dash of sea salt.
Lemon has loads of vitamin C and is very alkalizing. Viruses and bacterias do not like an alkaline environment. Also, apple cider vinegar has MANY anti-vital and anti-bacterial properties not to mention how great it is for digestion- the key to good health!
So, right now we are ALL taking: Vitamin C, Vitamin D, Elderberry syrup, Echinacea (my daughter in children's drops; we do the herbal tea) and occasionally suck on Zinc lozenges.
This is a big part of getting better or fighting off illness, especially the first few days! Get as much rest as you can because this is when the body recovers and repairs. Literally. Think about it. If the body is trying to fight something and you are using more energy, it will shut down and won't be able to fight it. Have your child relax when back from school, watch a movie together, take a long bath, go to bed early, stay home.
Get more tips on boosting your immune system, herbal remedies, food as medicine and even my favorite chicken soup recipe with my FREE e-book "Boost Your Immune System for Cold and Flu Season". Click here to get it!